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Happy New Year to you all!!

We are now back open to orders and delivery. A lot happened over the holidays for us, as a framily as well as a business. The Teen Kraken and the pre-teen Kraken loved the taste testing and trying of our hot chocolate spoons (as well as Santa coming!), whilst me and Mr Kraken took some much need respite.

We added a new business, who stocks our bakes in Norwich – Albion Gaming Cafe on St Benedicts Street! If you haven’t already been to visit, please do as they have different types of games and consoles for you to choose from and at only £3 per half hour per screen/person it’s a great way to get the kids (or yourself) out and about.

2024 will be a year of growth for us, we have plenty of ideas and plans to set in motion and have already signed up for some events – the first being Bodham Bazaar on January 20th 10am-3pm! We will post about each event at least a week before hand, so keep an eye on this space and on our social media profiles!